Method Test Prep Instructions

Dear Student,

Payson High (UT) has provided you with access to Method Test Prep, an online course that helps students build their ACT and SAT skills. 

To use the program, you will need to set up an account by clicking on the following link and filling in the signup information:

You will need to use the Referral Code: tkn.14342119 when setting up your account. Make sure to include the entire code including tkn. (tkn.14342119)

Included in this email are two videos that will give you an idea of how the online program from Method Test Prep works and the first 7 things you should do on Method Test Prep.

 • Student Self-Paced Program Video:

 • The First 7 Things You Should Do on Method Test Prep:

Students who use Method Test Prep to study for the ACT and SAT tests have increased their scores on the ACT by 3 or more points, and on the SAT by 150 or more points!

Take advantage of this online tool to ensure your success on these important college exams!