Payson Lib Dub 2013

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Coming soon to all of Payson High school, after weeks of waiting, is the 2012 – 2013 Lip Dub, filmed to the song “Pop Danthology.”

            The making of the Lip Dub may seem like simple task, however, this is quite a lengthy process. A lot of planning, thought, time, and practice is put in to make it the best possible.

            This is then second year that Payson High School has done the lip dub, so while while PHS is still at the beginning of a tradition, we're not slacking on quality. Originally, PHS got the idea from other schools, but knew that Payson could do a lip dub even better.

            “Each year it's just going to get better and better. Ours is better than anywhere else because it's at Payson, that's why!” Caleb Crump said.

            Like creating the Lip Dub, the making of the song “Pop Danthology” wasn't as easy as it seems and we have to give some credit to the song and it's artist..

            What exactly does “danthology” mean? Anthology is a collection of selected writings by various authors of the same period. Pop Danthology was arranged by Daniel Kim – he combined his name, Daniel, with anthology, to create the name Danthology.

            Daniel describes the Pop Danthology as “a seamless musical mix ('mash up') of the year's top pop songs” as well as a “puzzle.”

            Creating the Pop Danthology wasn't an easy process, though. All in all, it required around three months to complete it. Daniel had to collect the top fifty pop songs, move them all into the same key and tempo, and then arrange, mix and intertwine the songs together.

            The lip dub will be filmed on March 28th, starring Payson High's very own students.

By Emily Garrett