Welcome back, Lions!

Submitted by katie.kelly on
Dance Company
Members of drill team
Members of student council
Cheer performing
Members of PHS drama

Starting the school year, Payson High School had an opening assembly to welcome all students and acknowledge our seniors. Here are some of the highlights that happened during the assembly. Starting off, we introduced our 2022-23 student council as well as introducing new teachers and staff that will be joining us this year! Students got to participate and play the annual relay race as well as other fun games. Some clubs got to showcase their performances like the Drill Team, Cheer, Drama and the Dance Company! We also got a special performance from our Student Council to the iconic song "Footloose." This assembly was a great way to get to know the school and get pumped for the year!  

On the first day of school the staff and student council kindly decided to greet all the students of 2022-23 by the front doors. As well as assisting and helping new students to find their classes on time! To Welcome our Sophomores this year the Cheer Team helped and taught students our school cheers as well as helping them have school spirit and feel welcomed at Payson Highschool. 

Welcome Back PHS!


Carlie Oakeson, Ashlee Serrano