Billion Dollar Bracket

Submitted by kate.searle on

Who doesn’t love money? Everybody wants to be rich. Money is the one thing in this life that can buy food, freedom, land, love, and everything else that’s good in this life. But money doesn’t just get handed to people. People have to work for money, and most of the time that work is tedious and/or hard. But once a year, there is a chance to hit the jackpot with zero risk-The NCAA basketball tournament. If a bracket is filled out 100% correctly, (guess every game right) you have a chance to win the billion dollars. According to the odds for scoring a perfect bracket is 1 in a 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 chance. Pretty crazy stuff, that’s only 65 games you have to guess right, however, it’s never been done, and with those odds it seems to be as close to impossible as it can get.


But there is still hope for you, hope to become an overnight billionaire. Don’t let a number discourage you, that’s only 65 games you have to get right, 65 perfect games. As of right now, Joe Lunardi, creator of Bracketology for, the number one seeds are Kentucky, Duke, Wisconsin, and Villanova. All of those teams will most likely get the win in the first round, so there goes four games, only 61 left. If you believe in magic and think that you have a chance to take the billion dollars, then by all means, go for it. Just remember, you could be the one in the 9,223,372,036,854,775,808. Have a great March Madness Payson High.

By Brody Ward