Hindsight is 20/19

Submitted by kate.searle on

It’s finally time for the class of 2019 to shine. All of us have been daydreaming about senior year since elementary school graduation and secretly wishing to be the class of 2020 because it sounds cooler.

A lot of people come out of their senior year telling the junior class to not be afraid to try new things because it’ll be over before you know it.

Leading up to the last first day of high school is the same as every year, right? You go into it with the same attitude which is that you can’t wait for the school year to be over, but a few Payson High School alumni have a few words to change that.

Bryce Apgood from the class of 2017 said, “I would have done a lot more… seized the moment, I guess if that makes sense. You only get to be a senior in high school once and it goes by fast. So basically I would have done as many of the activities and stuff as I could and enjoyed school!” Brandon Harris from the class of 2018 said, “It goes by really fast, try everything (not the bad stuff though) leave with no regrets.”

They say senior year is the best year but it can only be the best if the students make it be. So what do you say class of 2019, are you up to making this the most unforgettable year?

Rebecca Apgood of The Lion's Roar News