Six days until Summer Job Fair

Submitted by kate.searle on

Unsure about how to earn money this summer? Or not sure if there is a different job you might like? Thursday, April 26 during lunch there will be businesses that are looking to hire. Come visit them by the cafeteria and main gym to see if they can offer you what you want when school gets out.  

Want to stand out from the competition? Bring a resume.  Not sure how to make a resume?  Google it.  Some favorites include and, but you can't go wrong with Microsoft Word or Google Docs.  Be sure to keep it concise and use power words.  What is a power word?  Take a look at this article that provides a comprehensive list of action verbs and characteristics to use to describe your skills.  

For example, instead of say, "I have had a lot of experience leading a team" you should write it with a power word: "Encourages others by fostering relationships of trust and transparency " or "Motivates team members with personal hard work and sacrifice."

Last tip: smile and make eye contact.  Making eye contact is a great communication skill that employers value.  If making eye contact is hard, fake it until you make it.  Stare at their ear if you have to, but simply making eye contact and providing a smile can set you far apart from the crowd.  

Good luck!

Mrs. Searle
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