UVU Free Online Latino Scientists of Tomorrow Summer Bridge Program

Submitted by david.rockwood on

UVU's College of Science and the Latino Initiative are excited to offer the 2020 Free Online Latino Scientists of Tomorrow Summer Bridge Program for Utah high school students who are currently in grades 10th - 12th (graduating seniors will be considered). 

This program encourages Latino/a and other underrepresented Utah high school students to explore careers in science.  Admitted students could earn up to six Free college credits.  In addition to leading students to careers in science, these college courses could count as general education or elective credits for UVU and other higher education institutions (based on major selection).   Also, students will participate in online extracurricular activities including college success and career exploration workshops.

Program dates:

• June 29th - August 13th  (9:00 am - 2:00 pm)


Free online courses:

• BTEC 1010 | Fundamentals of Biotechnology (3 Credits)

• GEO 1010 | Introduction to Geology (3 Credits)


Application deadline:  May 25, 2020

Application link: 

2020 UVU Latino Scientists Summer Bridge Application  or  www.uvu.edu/bridge