Happy Pi(e) Day!
Today's date is 3/14 . . . Happy Pi(e) Day! For true die hard Pi Day fans, be sure to do something pie-related or circle-y at exactly 1:59, thus creating the first 6 digits of pi: 3.14159.
Fun fact, 3/14 is also Albert Einstein's birthday.
Extra fun fact, the world record for reciting, from memory and in order, the digits of pi is held by Rajveer Meena who recited over 70,000 digits, blindfolded, from memory. It took 10 hours.
National Women's History Month 2023
"Every year, March is designated Women's History Month by presidential decree. The month is set aside to honor women's contributions in American history" (National Women's History Museum). Payson High School joins the rest of the nation in celebrating this important month. We recognize the incalculable contributions of women, both sung and unsung, throughout our history.
CTE Spotlight: Woodworking
February is CTE month! Today we are highlighting one of our amazing CTE programs: WOODSHOP.
Woodworking is a fan favorite class at Payson High. Mrs. Carlson is the teacher for this class and she is the best! Her knowledge in the wood room is unmatched and she helps everyone with her skills. In the class you can choose different projects such as a nightstands, hope chests, beds and just about anything you can make with wood. You can learn tons of woodworking skills that will help you throughout life. The woodshop is the best!