PHS Red Ribbon Week Assembly

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After the great showcase of Payson’s talent, guest speaker Heather Anderson spoke to PHS about the importance of living a drug free life.  Anderson is one of the spokes people for DARE, is an executive member of the of Utah Council for Crime Prevention,  she serves on the National Crime Prevention Association, the former Miss Utah USA, and a runway model and much more.  She knows what it is like to be tempted with drugs and alcohol, and to have someone close to you go through and addiction.  Anderson t

Payson Cross Country Freshman Qualify for State

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For the first time in 50 years a Payson freshman qualifies for Cross Country State! Freshman Jordan Bailey and Junior Kai Schulze represented Payson in state on October 19. “It was amazing,” said Junior Kai Shulze. “I was very nervous. There were many schools there and we weren’t on our own turf,” said Senior Makeisha White. “It was fun, we need more girls on the team though!” said Sophomore Sami Smith. Overall the team took 5th place. “We’ll do better as a team next year,” said Shulze. “A lot of excitement has been generated this year,” said Mr. Peck.

Leaving a Legacy at PHS

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Payson High is back in session and ready for action. With new additions to the school like a new gym floor, a fresh exterior, and a brand new fine arts department, PHS is eager to help its students make this year one to remember. Principal Bart Peery is looking forward to watching the students of PHS reach their full potential, “We have great students and great faculty, so this year, be the best you can be!” said Peery.

L.I.A. - Latinos In Action

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This new school year we have many new things including the Latinos in Action class. The purpose of this class is to create, design, and implement methods, strategies and programs that help Latino students improve their Spanish and English skills, and to help the students towards a career in education.

Living for the Game

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Spike that ball- they can’t do wrong- come on Payson cheer them on!

Girls Tennis Team

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“Decide, commit, succeed” is the motto of this year’s girls tennis team.  This year they have succeeded including wins over Springville and Uintah.  Coach Karen Thomas has been very optimistic about this year’s tennis team saying, “It’s probably the best the high school has seen in about 8 years.”  The team captains are Senior Camille Staheli and Junior Brittny Snow.  On the varsity team are 3 singles players: Camille Staheli, Julie Thomas, and Brittny Snow.  Playing doubles are Marie

Girls Soccer

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This year the Lady Lions soccer are making a run in region eight led by captains Katelyn Barney, Audrey Moffat and Katie Swenson. The Lions recently were on a six game winning streak being the longest they have had in a number of years and made an exciting start to their season. They attribute their success to hard work.”We work better as a team this year”, said Barney. These Lady Lions have a huge desire to win, they will never give up, and they are dead set on making it to state this year a place they haven’t been in three years.

PHS Football: Working to Take Back the Season

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It has been a bittersweet year for our football team. With high expectations coming from last year the Lions started out with a heart breaking loss to Timpanogos.  The second game they roared back with an upset win over Orem.   This win was followed by a tough loss to undefeated West Lake.  The next week we had a close loss to Juab. Even though our Payson football team is 1-3 they never go down without a fight!

PHS 2010 - 2011 Student Council Ready for New Year

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                Another summer gone – and your new student council is determined to make this year your best year of high school ever!  Every one of our 17 officers is here for you, and we are open to any ideas, suggestions, or even criticism that you might have to make this year as awesome as possible.  So talk to us!  We want to know what you think.

PHS Donates 90 Pints of Blood

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This year PHS has made it their mission as the students and faculty to have over ninety people
donate blood. On September 16, 2010 when you walked into the main gym at the high school
you could see a never ending line of students and faculty preparing to donate. What a way to
give back PHS. Keep on Giving!