Open Gyms for Volleyball Begin

Submitted by kate.searle on

 Volleyball tryouts are coming up this August which makes now a great time to prepare for them. Volleyball open gyms are held Tuesday and Thursday nights, starting at 5:00, and going until 7:00 pm. The coaches are Coach Eliason, and Coach Mott. Coming to the volleyball open gyms is a great way to get practice, as well as to get the coaches attention. At the open gyms, you will be doing warm ups and drills that will help to improve your volleyball skills.

Provo Bike Trip

Submitted by kate.searle on

On Tuesday, May 3, Mrs. Miller’s B3 class participated in a biking trip. This journey started in Provo, lasted for 20 miles, and ended in Thanksgiving Point. Being a small class, staying together and finishing fast was no difficult task.

The class met at the start of first period, and left in the suburbans to Provo. Although tired by the end, no student was injured, and each had a great experience to remember.

Payson High’s Boys Tennis Team

Submitted by kate.searle on

On Wednesday 27th 2016 Payson High’s very own boys tennis team won big against Delta High School. Both JV and Varsity contributed to a great win with only a couple of losses. This match was the last match before JV regions. Everyone on JV is very excited and is preparing their hardest.

Check out May's Online Magazine

Submitted by kate.searle on
This month's edition of The Mane Street Journal is a special one, for two reasons. First, this month's magazine is purely video content, and second, this is the last online edition of the magazine this school year. There will however be a print edition that will come out later this month comprised of all articles. Remember, as always, this edition is completely student produced and generated. If you are a student interested in participating in the creation of next year's magazine, talk to your counselor and get signed up to take Broadcast Journalism.

First Annual Trivia Tournament

Submitted by kate.searle on

 On Monday May 16th - Friday May 20th Payson High will have their first Annual Trivia Tournament! The topics could be anything but the challenge and the competition is real. Each round will last around 20 minutes and will be put on the Pride. There will be 2-3 rounds played per class period on Monday-Thursday. The last two teams will compete against each other Friday night just before the Stomp at our Senior All Nighter.

Is it time to give baseball fans more protection?

Submitted by kate.searle on
On the front of every major/minor league baseball ticket fans can find their section, row, and seat number. But the message on the back of the baseball ticket may be more important. The back of a baseball ticket warns about the risks and dangers fans may encounter if their seat happens to be unprotected from the field by protective netting. Balls and bats may enter the spectator seating at any time during a baseball game and injure fans. Within the last few years more and more fans have been injured at baseball games.

Call of Duty: Modern Life Fare

Submitted by kate.searle on

Since the release of the new Call of Duty: Black Ops III, gamers and students alike have spent countless hours and paychecks on this franchise’s modern sequel. And as of Tuesday, April 20, the second DLC (Downloadable Content) has been released, with two more to go for this Call of Duty season. Chances are, if you haven’t played, or currently don’t own this game, you probably don’t care at all. As for those associated with this FPS legacy, surely the hype for each DLC has been personally astounding.

The Grand America Hotel Field Trip Recap

Submitted by kate.searle on

On April 21st Culinary Arts, Art, and Architecture students took a tour of The Grand America Hotel up in Salt Lake City then had an etiquette dinner at La Caille Restaurant in Sandy to experience and further educate on real life scenarios and opportunities. Their first stop was The Grand America Hotel where a tour was given in the public areas and some back-of-house areas like the laundry and shipment areas as well as residential and regular rooms.

The Best Prom Dates Ever

Submitted by kate.searle on

It is so difficult to choose the best and most fun Prom day date. Prom itself can be very expensive. You have to get the best tuxedo or dress, the guys need to plan a great dinner, and you also need to buy tickets to even get into the dance. So sometimes you need to figure out a fun cheap date idea. Sometimes it’s okay to be a little money savvy, but you also need to remember Prom doesn’t happen very often, so you also can make it a memory that you will keep with you for the rest of your life. Payson had some great ideas for dates that maybe you would want to try some time.