Hey Mr. Russell's Classroom!

Submitted by kate.searle on

Mr. Russell is a welding, ag/animal science teacher as well as the high school FFA advisor. Each of his classes do many different things. On A days, he has his animal and agriculture science classes. In these classes the students learn about the different functions of plants and animals. They do many different experiments as well. At the beginning of the year, his agricultural science classes did a soil experiment. The students were to collect a soil sample, and determine what type it was. They then had to write a soil report. It was a big project all together!

Hashtag of the Week

Submitted by kate.searle on

This week's winner is mosher_k for her fantastic pic at the football game.  #LionsOnFire

When is it too Old to Trick or Treat?

Submitted by kate.searle on

Halloween is coming! This is the time people start asking, “When should teenagers stop dressing up to go Trick or Treating?" Is there a difference between going ‘trick or treating’ and just dressing up? The most abundant answer to dressing up is: You’re never too old!

"What the shmell" is going on in Nielson's classroom?

Submitted by kate.searle on
Mr. Nielson is a loved teacher here at Payson High School. Mr. Nielson graduated from Brigham Young University in order to teach Physics. This year he has over 250 students. Read more to learn what the students have been doing in this class lately.

The Last Football Game

Submitted by kate.searle on

Last Friday, our proud Lions went into battle with the Spanish Fork Dons. This was not only our last game, this was our Senior Night! Our senior players and cheerleaders were spotlighted and respectfully announced. This was also the first game that our brand new Lion Gate was used. It was organized by Ethan Dixon and it now stands proudly at the southeast side of the field, where our Lions enter.

6 Tips to Not Pee Your Pants at a Haunted House

Submitted by kate.searle on


  1. Don’t go by yourself. In every single horror movie, everything starts to go bad when the group splits up. If you go by yourself, that will involve a lot more scaring. Also, if you go by yourself, don’t go to haunted houses. Go places where you can maybe make a friend or two.

Classroom Spotlight: Mrs.Bridges

Submitted by kate.searle on

Mrs. Bridges’ classes are some of the hardest you will ever take, but it is well worth it. Business English is an eleventh grade class where you learn all about grammar, various paper formats and job skills.  College Writing is the twelfth grade class so far they have written two essays, reviewed all the grammar learned in Business English, finished a novel, and are currently working on a third essay.

PHS Math Department Awarded Grant

Submitted by kate.searle on

On Oct. 7, 2015, the Nebo Education Foundation awarded Payson High School Math Department a grant for $1,113 for new calculators in their classrooms.  The math department stated in their grant:


Submitted by kate.searle on

  Day after day our teachers get to lecture us, yell at us, give us homework, give us bad grades, and basically just torture the students, right?  Well it’s time for the girl’s soccer team to get a little revenge on the faculty.  On Monday, October 26 the faculty will play a game of soccer against the girls soccer team.  The game will be played down on the soccer field at 3:30 P.M. and this is DEFINITELY not a game you’ll wanna miss.