Student-athletes in 9th grade have a choice to make, and there are advantages and disadvantages to both options:

(1) Payson Junior High Option

Participate in your sport at Payson Junior High School.

This option is for ninth grade students who attend Payson Junior High.


  • For some students, their maturity and skill level are a better match for the junior high experience.

  • The student will probably already know their teammates because they go to the same school.


  • The junior high school has fewer sport options than the high school.

  • The training is generally less rigorous. (This is an advantage for some junior high athletes, but may be a disadvantage for other, more mature athletes.)

Next Step:

Follow the protocols of the junior high for the pre-sport physical exam, sport registration, try-out dates, and team sign-ups.

PJHS logo

(2) Payson High School Option

Participate in your sport at Payson High School.

For a ninth grade student to play for Payson High they must either

  1. live within the boundaries of the high school they wish to play for

    • or apply for and receive the sibling/employee exception from the district. (See the application form linked below.)


  • The high school offers more sport options.

  • For some students, their skill level and maturity are a better match for the high school experience.

  • The training is generally more rigorous.


  • The student may not initially know their teammates because they do not attend the same school.

  • The time commitment is greater for an athlete competing for the high school than the junior high.

Next Step:

  • Fill out the form for 9th Grade Participation in High School Athletics

    • If living within the boundaries of the high school, then submit this form to the PHS Athletic Director.

    • If living out of the school boundaries and applying for the sibling/employee exception, then submit this form to the Nebo District Athletic Director.

  • Follow the PHS protocols for the pre-sport physical exam, sport registration, etc.

Payson High School logo