Student-athletes in 9th grade have a choice to make, and there are advantages and disadvantages to both options:
(1) Payson Junior High Option
Participate in your sport at Payson Junior High School.
This option is for ninth grade students who attend Payson Junior High.
For some students, their maturity and skill level are a better match for the junior high experience.
The student will probably already know their teammates because they go to the same school.
The junior high school has fewer sport options than the high school.
The training is generally less rigorous. (This is an advantage for some junior high athletes, but may be a disadvantage for other, more mature athletes.)
Next Step:
Follow the protocols of the junior high for the pre-sport physical exam, sport registration, try-out dates, and team sign-ups.

(2) Payson High School Option
Participate in your sport at Payson High School.
For a ninth grade student to play for Payson High they must either
live within the boundaries of the high school they wish to play for
or apply for and receive the sibling/employee exception from the district. (See the application form linked below.)
The high school offers more sport options.
For some students, their skill level and maturity are a better match for the high school experience.
The training is generally more rigorous.
The student may not initially know their teammates because they do not attend the same school.
The time commitment is greater for an athlete competing for the high school than the junior high.
Next Step:
Fill out the form for 9th Grade Participation in High School Athletics
If living within the boundaries of the high school, then submit this form to the PHS Athletic Director.
If living out of the school boundaries and applying for the sibling/employee exception, then submit this form to the Nebo District Athletic Director.
Follow the PHS protocols for the pre-sport physical exam, sport registration, etc.