Career Exploration

you science logo

Career Guidance

O*net logo

Interest Prolifer

Apprenticeship Finder

Apprenticeship Finder

16 Personalities Test logo

Personality Quiz

High 5 Test logo

Strength Identifier

True Colors Test logo

Personality Quiz

Personality Test Logo

Personality Test

Launch my career logo

Career Exploration

student testing a welding machine

Stem Careers

Uen logo

Career Education

The reality check logo

Life Simulation Activity

BLS logo

Occupational Outlook

What can I do with this major? logo

Exploring Majors

O* net logo

Occupation Search

UVU logo

Career Exploration

Strum logo

Profession Profiles

Careers logo

Job Search

People and their work logo

Career Podcast

Utah Career Outlook

Career Exploration Articles

student greeting someone

Top 10 Fastest Growing Occupation in Utah

group of students about to choose their career

High Paying Jobs *No Degree Required

student using a computer

Careers in High Demand

Highest Paying Jobs *With an Associates Degree*

UTAH sign

100 Highest Paying Jobs

dog with a vet

Growing Jobs in Utah

MAPP Career Assesment

road trip ahead sign

Students Guide to College Planning