Utah has been the home of Native Americans peoples for thousands of years. The Payson area specifically has long been home to the Ute (Northern Ute),  Shoshone (Northwestern Band), Paiute (Indian Peaks, Cedar Peaks, Shivwits, Kanosh, and Koosharem Bands), and Goshute (Skull Valley Band and Confederated Band) peoples. These lands have carried their lives, cultures, and stories for centuries, and continue to do so today. We recognize our indigenous peoples past and present as those who have cared for, and continue to care for, the land. All of us in the Payson High School family today are honored to share stewardship of this remarkable landscape.

More information about the native peoples of Utah can be found at the Utah Division of Indian Affairs website. And more information about the Nebo School District's programs for Native American students can be found on the district website.